9 Science

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr T. Comber.

MYP Science

Compulsory Core Subject


The year 9 course is designed to help students build foundational science capabilities and understanding, enabling them to succeed in senior school and become scientifically literate citizens. Students will develop these skills through concept-based units that expose them to relevant and current scientific issues.

Summary of course

Unit Title
Outline of learning
MYP Criterion Assessed
Garden to Plate

  • Practice safety in a Science laboratory.
  • Investigate life processes of plants by exploring the concepts of conditions and variables.
  • Develop skills in designing and communicating scientific investigations.
B. Inquiring and designing

C. Processing and evaluating
Chemical or Comical

(Biology and Chemistry)
  • Explore the chemical composition of macronutrients in our food.
  • Investigate the transformation of macronutrients during digestion.
  • Explore the concept of evidence and how it is interpreted in Science.
A. Knowing and understanding

D. Reflecting on the impacts of science
Mission to Mars

(Earth and Space Science)
  • Inquire into the concept of environment through the context of space exploration.
  • Inquire into the solar system and the essential biological requirements for human survival in different environments.
  • Develop research and inquiry skills to propose solutions for creating a sustainable environment for colonising Mars.
A. Knowing and understanding

D. Reflecting on the impacts of science
Pitch Perfect

  • Explore the concept of transformation in wave physics through investigative learning.
  • Explore how wave behaviour affects our perception and its applications in technology.
  • Develop skills in designing and communicating scientific investigations.
B. Inquiring and designing

C. Processing and evaluating


At the end of each unit, students will demonstrate their abilities through various assessment formats, including collaborative work, assignments, and in-class written assessments.

Subject and Associated Costs

Course Costs: $60.50 Education Perfect Subject Package (pay once for all included courses).
