11 History

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Year 13 (2025) students are required to attend Subject Confirmation on Thursday 23 January to finalise their timetable.

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms M. Simpson.


  • Develop skills of inquiry, interpretation and communication.
  • Develop an understanding of other people, times and places.
  • Develop an awareness of ourselves as New Zealanders.


  • WWI causes and consequences.
  • Origins of WWII and the rise of the Dictators - including Hitler and Mussolini.
  • The bombing of Pearl Harbour and the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
  • Debate: Can the bombing of Hiroshima be justified? 
  • An investigation in our local history.

Learning and Assessment Area


Historical Research

Carry out an investigation into a significant event. What happened during WWI?

Historical Formal Essay Writing

Describe the causes and consequences of an historical event – The Bombing of Pearl Harbour.

Historical Resource Interpretation

Interpret sources of an historical event of significance to New Zealanders.

Historical Perspectives

Interpret historical perspectives on an event of significance to New Zealanders. Examining two different leaders’ perspectives on the Treaty of Versailles.

Subject Information Evening Slides

Subject and Associated Costs

Course Costs: $29.99 for a History Skills book.


Year 11 History helps develop the skills that students need for EVERY year 12 subject. In History we build student's ability to communicate, investigate, problem solve, think critically, write formal essays, develop arguments, analyse sources of information and see different perspectives on issues. History sets students up for success in the senior school, at University and beyond.

Assessment Information

Year 12 History Guideline(s):
Students must pass 2 of the 4 assessments, 1 of which must be the end of year exam.


It is important that you complete your option selection by the due date to enable you to have your preferred course of study. Course availability is dependent on numbers and staffing, and course entry will be confirmed at the beginning of the school year.