12 Creative and Digital Technologies (Electronics )
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Year 13 (2025) students are required to attend Subject Confirmation on Thursday 23 January to finalise their timetable.
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Ms J. Christopher.
The objectives of this course are to develop in students
- The ability to undertake inquiry, problem solving, design and develop products such as a desktop fan and Autonomous SUMOBOTS using technological practice.
- The knowledge on advanced concepts of Electronics using MicroBits and Arduino control system.
- The ability to use CODING languages such as Python and Javascript.
- The ability to use CAD, 3D Print and Laser Cut.
Creative Technology (Electronics) is an integrated course that enables you to solve problems or issues that require a design solution. The design problem and specifications are provided by the teacher. You can utilise and collaborate skills from different areas such as Coding, Electronics and Product Design to develop projects such as SUMOBOTS (tackling Robots) and a desktop fan. Creative Technologies gives you the freedom to let your design ideas follow a unique journey. This course will carry on to 13 in preparation for Tertiary Education.
Recommended Prior Learning
11CDT (or proven ability to Year 11 level).
Subject and Associated Costs
Course Costs: $60.00
Associated Costs: Nil.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This subject is eligible for subject endorsement.
Generic Technology 2.1 - Undertake brief development to address an issue
Generic Technology 2.3 - Develop a conceptual design for an outcome
Generic Technology 2.5 - Demonstrate understanding of how technological modelling supports risk management
Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko 2.5 - Use advanced techniques to develop an electronics outcome
Pathway Tags
Clinical Coder, Intelligence Officer, Aeronautical Engineer, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Product Assembler, Retail Manager, Electronics Engineer, Biomedical Engineer, Biomedical Technician, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Buyer, Line Mechanic, Telecommunications Engineer, Information Technology Helpdesk/Support Technician, Electronics Trades Worker, Electrician, Electrical Engineering Technician, Importer/Exporter, Locksmith,
It is important that you complete your option selection by the due date to enable you to have your preferred course of study. Course availability is dependent on numbers and staffing, and course entry will be confirmed at the beginning of the school year.