Scholarship Accounting

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Year 13 (2025) students are required to attend Subject Confirmation on Thursday 23 January to finalise their timetable.

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms N. Doherty.

By doing Scholarship you will be eligible to do an extra five credit level 3 Achievement Standard on Company Financial Statements.

A pass in Accounting Scholarship may enable you to take Level 2 Accounting Papers immediately depending on the University.

Subject Overview

Term 1
Conceptual Theory.
Job Costing.

Term 2
Company Financial Accounting.
Management Accounting.

Term 3
Analysis and Interpretation.

Recommended Prior Learning

Level 2 Accounting with minimum of Merit grades in Externals for Financial Statements and Analysis and Interpretation.

Assessment Information

External examination with four questions at NZQA Level 4:
1. Conceptual Theory.
2. Financial Statements.
3. Question on Management Accounting, Job Costing, Analysis and Interpretation.
4. Question on a contemporary issue.


It is important that you complete your option selection by the due date to enable you to have your preferred course of study. Course availability is dependent on numbers and staffing, and course entry will be confirmed at the beginning of the school year.