Glendowie College Glendowie College

13 Statistics

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr J. Eley.

Recommended Prior Learning


Candidates will be expected to learn and apply skills in the following areas

  • Time Series - Using the statistical enquiry cycle to investigate time series data and produce a report.
  • Statistical Inference - Using the statistical enquiry cycle to make a formal inference given a multivariate data set.
  • Probability Concepts - Comparison of true and experimental probabilities, conditional probabilities, probability distribution tables and graphs, two-way tables, probability trees and Venn diagrams.
  • Probability Distributions - Applying Poisson, binomial, triangular, rectangular and normal distributions, comparison of true probabilities versus distribution of model estimates.
  • Simultaneous Equations - Forming and solving systems of simultaneous equations and interpreting the nature of solutions.



Assessment Policy & Procedures
Assessment Information

(Some students may have 4 additional credits from completing AS91581 last year).

Career Pathways

Actuary, Army Soldier, Electronics Engineer, Tailor/Dressmaker, Biomedical Engineer, Biomedical Technician, Mechanical Engineer, Buyer, Clinical Physiologist, Physician, Dental Assistant, Driving Instructor, Health Services Manager, Navy Sailor, Real Estate Agent, Secondary School Teacher, Valuer, Intelligence Officer

Subject and Associated Costs

Course Costs: $50.00 Write-on workbooks and revision material.
Associated Costs: Equipment Required - Casio Graphics Calculator fx-9750-II or fx-9860-GIII.