11 Drama

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Year 13 (2025) students are required to attend Subject Confirmation on Thursday 23 January to finalise their timetable.

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Miss C. Thomson.

Year 11 Drama is a largely practical course. You will develop knowledge of dramatic elements, conventions, techniques and technologies. You will work individually and in groups to plan, structure and devise work for informal and assessed performances, and you will critically evaluate the effectiveness of your own work and the work of others. This course is designed to develop confidence and the ability to present and share ideas. A highlight of the course is the annual class production in Dramafest. 


Students will

  • Select and integrate elements, techniques, conventions and technologies using specific texts.
  • Initiate, develop and refine dramatic ideas individually and collectively in a range of dramatic forms.
  • Rehearse and perform drama in a range of dramatic forms.
  • Respond to and make critical judgements about rehearsal processes and performances.
  • Research the production, performance and purpose of drama in a range of contexts.


Students will  

  • Devise and perform a drama based on ideas and themes developed through self-reflection.
  • Demonstrate understanding of theatre forms in both practical and written contexts.
  • Select, rehearse and perform a role in a major production.
  • Discuss drama elements, technologies, techniques, and conventions within a live performance.
  • Be offered the opportunity to perform in school and regional events (e.g. Dramafest). 


Learning and Assessment Area


Poetry in Motion - Dramatic Techniques

You will create a short piece based on a poem you choose to showcase your understanding and use of body, voice, movement, and use of space.

Over the Top - Theatre Form (Melodrama)

You will learn about Victorian Melodrama and the reason it came into being. You will perform a short scene in the style of the time. This unit involves an in-class test answering a preannounced question to give you experience before the NCEA Level 2 Drama external next year.

The Show Must Go On - Production

You will select, rehearse, and perform a role in your class production as part of Dramafest (two performances over two nights).

Turangawaewae: A Sense of Place - Devising/Arts Interdisciplinary Showcase

You will reflect on yourself and experiences to devise a play in a small group based on the concept of Turangawaewae. The piece will be performed as part of the Arts Interdisciplinary Showcase at the end of the year (evening performance).

Subject Overview

Term 1
Week 1 - 7: Poetry in motion.
Week 8 - 10: Acting skills.

Term 2
Week 1 - Term 3 Week 3: The Show Must Go On.

Term 3
Week 1 - 3: The Show Must Go On (evening performances).
Week 4 - 9: Over the Top.
Week 10 - Term 4 Week 6: Turangawaewae: A Sense of Place.

Term 4
Week 1 - 6: Turangawaewae: A Sense of Place (evening performance).

Recommended Prior Learning

It is advised, but not required, for students to have taken Junior Drama (Year 9 and/or 10). An interest in Drama and full participation in course work is required.

Subject and Associated Costs

Course Costs: $5 Dramafest (class production) script charge.
Associated Costs: $40.00 if the opportunity arises for the class to go to the theatre.


Assessment Information

There are no Achievement Standards offered in 11 Drama but the course is designed to fully prepare a student for NCEA Level 2 Drama and is recommended if you want to continue in Senior Drama.

Useful Links


It is important that you complete your option selection by the due date to enable you to have your preferred course of study. Course availability is dependent on numbers and staffing, and course entry will be confirmed at the beginning of the school year.