Arts Faculty

Te toi whakairo, ka ihiihi, ka wehiwehi, ka aweawe te ao katoa
artistic excellence makes the world sit up in wonder

What are The Arts?

The Arts faculty promotes excellence in learning and performance across four areas - Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts (including Art History).  Students learn to think critically and creatively, through experiencing and studying the work of other artists, performances and composers, which inspires their own creativity.

We embrace the principles of multiple intelligences which we consider to be essential in education.  

Performance skills are a strong focus in the Arts, alongside a thorough understanding of the core elements that make up each discipline.  Students learn to execute skills required to produce original work by devising a dance, drama, a piece of visual art (e.g. painting), or a musical composition.  

Why Study the Arts?

Taking an 'Arts' course will provide you or your child with vital skills for life, plus an enjoyment of the arts that they will carry through life.

As well as the key competencies, students learn the ability to work with others (e.g. in a music group or a drama performance).  They learn to communicate complex ideas with confidence and clarity through performance and visual art.  And they develop initiative and the ability to approach work or challenges creatively.

At Glendowie College, the Arts develop confident young men and women who are self-motivated and positive, successful citizens.