Course Costs

Course Costs

At Glendowie College, we endeavour to provide the best possible learning opportunities for our students.  This involves some costs beyond the basic government funding to support your child’s learning.  These costs relate to specific items and educational opportunities outside of the classroom provided to your child. 

We endeavour to keep these costs to a minimum and ensure that they directly relate to courses and students’ learning.   

Course costs are shown as two components:

Course Costs

These are costs that support learning and involve a take-home component, e.g. write-on workbooks, individual software licences (e.g. Education Perfect).

Associated Costs

These are costs that will most likely occur in a course and students are strongly encouraged to take these up to enhance their learning and appreciation of that subject, e.g. field trips, specialist one-off tuition.

The college operates a small ‘welfare’ grant (funded from donations) to support families who may need financial assistance with school expenses such as course costs.  Talk to your child’s Dean or Assistant Dean if you would like to know more about this.

Please Note:
Students who do not pay the associated costs will still be able to participate in courses and assessments but may not be able to attend the related events such as field trips that incur extra costs for the college to provide.  Please discuss this with the Teacher, Faculty Leader or Dean, if you have any questions or concerns.