How to book Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences

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Parents will be advised when conference bookings open. This is usually one week before the conference. Upcoming Conferences:


Please note that the Thursday conferences are ONLINE. Google's education policy requires that anyone joining an ONLINE conference must have a Google/Gmail account. Parents can choose to create an account or use their child's account. All students have a school Gmail account. 

1. Go to Login (top right):


You can log in with either:

  •  A ‘Magic Link’ sent to your school-registered email address; or
  • Google or Microsoft authentication that matches your school-registered email address

Here is a short video to assist with the login process.

Note: If you have more than one child at the College, you no longer need to login to each child’s account separately. Simply press the 'Switch Siblings' button. 

2. Once logged in, you will see conferences listed in the banner at the top of the page. :


3. Select Book your Time

Click on the appointment times that you want


4. Once you have selected a time slot for ALL the relevant subjects, select View Bookings Summary. 

The calendar button will export your bookings to a calendar. Alternatively, print your bookings.

If you need to change a booking, choose "Update".

If you have made an online booking, a Google Meet link will show. Just before your conferences start. Before your conference starts, open View Bookings Summary and click on each Google Meet link before your meeting starts.